The 3 Period Lesson (commonly known as 3PL) in The Montessori Methodology of Education is widely used by educators all around the world to introduce concepts and names of objects to young children. The 3PL is based on a simple law of work which is within all children; the law of repetition. Children have the ability to recognize pattern and with repetition, they will be able to internalize and remember various concepts.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius
With reference to the above quote, the child will be able to hear, see and touch the objects or concepts that you are introducing to him by following the simple yet effective 3PL. The 3 PL can be further simplified into a very simple summary; Introducing the concepts or names of the objects – Repetition by reinforcing the concepts or names of the objects – Understanding of the concepts or names of objects are being tested. – Conclusion of lesson by reinforcing the names of objects or concepts to the child.
Here is a simple rundown of how you can use the simple 3 Period Lessons at the comfort of your home. You can introduce any and everything within the child’s environment by using this method. Let us know how it goes!
1st Period (Introduction): –
- Bring out the materials one at a time. (Isolation – 1 Object / Material / Concept at a time)
- Introduce the name of the material to the child.
- “Jane this is (Name of Object / Material / Concept). Would you like to say (Name of Object / Material / Concept)?”
- Do like-wise for the rest of the Object / Material / Concept.
2nd Period (Reinforcing): –
- Bring out ALL Object / Material / Concept and place them in random. (In no particular sequence)
- Ask the child to show you the Object / Material / Concept that you have asked for.
- “Jane would you like to show me (Name of Object / Material / Concept)?”
- Do like-wise for the rest of the Object / Material / Concept.
3rd Period (Testing the child’s understanding):-
- Bring out the Object / Material / Concept one at a time (in no particular sequence) (Isolation – 1 at a time)
- Ask the child to tell you the name of the Object / Material / Concept you point at.
- “Jane would you like to tell me what this is?”
- Repeat for all materials.
Conclusion: –
- Bring out all the Object / Material / Concept and place them horizontally infront of the child.
- “Jane, today we have learnt the names of materials and they are (Name of materials), (Name of materials) and (Name of materials).”
Things to note:-
- Take note that control of error for a 3PL will always be the teacher. Reason being that the teacher is the one giving the information to the child.
- Do allow the child to feel the object whenever it is possible. Eg. “Jane, the apple is red, would you like to hold and feel the apple and say red. “
With Love,
Team Montessori Children Academy